extension no30, 178 x 19 cm, c-type print. OUT OF STOCK
extension no31, 163 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no32, 176 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no35, 178 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no36, 179 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no15, 177 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no42, 178 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no44, 180 x 19 cm, c-type print. OUT OF STOCK
extension no46, 177 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no48, 177 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no49, 176 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no50, 163 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no52, 176 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no54, 177 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no57, 176 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no61, 176 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no63, 175 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no67, 175 x 19 cm, c-type print.
extension no30, 177 x 19 cm, c-type print. OUT OF STOCK
extension no72, 176 x 19 cm, c-type print.
price per print: 300Eu
EN Time in nature is experienced by the body as something continuous, when photographic image, formed by certain frame and moment of time, reduces multidimensional experience to single image. Repetition of photographic gesture in this series combines different frames of time and space into a single continuous image (like cubist multiple perspectives). Extensions are attempts to recreate duration and continuity of experience fragmented by the frame of the photographic image. LT Kūnas (esinys) gamtoje patiria laiką kaip tęstinį, o fotografinis atvaizdas, formuojamas konkrečiose kadro ir laiko ribose, redukuoja daugiaplanę kūno buvimo erdvėje patirtį ir jos trukmę iki vieno vaizdinio. Fotografinio gesto kartojimas ir tęsimas, savo ruožtu, papildo kadrą nauju vaizdinio patyrimo laiku. Tęsiniai– tai bandymai fotografinio proceso sukurtus ir iškirptus laiko fragmentus sutalpinti į vieną vaizdinį taip bent iš dalies atkuriant įspūdžio tęstinumo pojūtį.